March 20-24, 2024
ASC, or the Asynchronous Speech Championship, is an opportunity to recognize the excellent work done throughout the year at asynchronous tournaments. We know that some students simply cannot participate in national tournaments requiring multiple days of travel and competition. We know the physical demands and the inability to work during those times make national competition impossible for synchronous tournaments. ASC exists for those students who still want to see where they land on the national scale in a championship competition but who may not be able to travel or compete in synchronous ways.
ASC will take place in March (March 26, 2025)
Check out the full Tournament Invite
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2024 Tournament Details
Teams Participating: 33
Ball State University
Belmont University
Concordia - Moorhead
Eastern Illinois University
George Mason University
Illinois College
Illinois State University
Las Positas College
Liberty University
Modesto Junior College
Mt. Hood Community College
North Central College
NSU Speech and Debate
Piedmont University
Saginaw Valley State University
South Dakota State University
Southwest Minnesota State University
Tennessee State University
Truman State University
University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Illinois at Springfield
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
University of Minnesota
University of Nebraska Omaha
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
University of North Texas
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Wayne State University
Western Kentucky University
ADS: 61
CA: 47
DI: 71
DUO: 47
EXT: 33
IMP: 53
INF: 64
PER: 61
POE: 58
POI: 57
PRO: 101
Total: 653
Judges: 168
2023 Tournament Details
Teams Participating: 38
Bellevue College
Belmont University
Cameron University
Concordia - Moorhead
Concordia University, Nebraska
Contra Costa College
Crowder Community College
Eastern Illinois University
Grand Canyon University
Governors State University
Illini Forensics
Illinois College
Illinois State University
Lamar University
Mt. Hood Community College
North Central College
Palm Beach Atlantic University
Piedmont University
Rust College Speech & Debate Team
Rutgers University - New Brunswick
Saint Joseph's University
Seattle U New
Southwest Minnesota State University
Tulsa Community College
University of Akron
University of Alabama
University of Illinois at Springfield
University of Illinois Chicago
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
University of Minnesota
University of Nebraska Omaha
University of Nebraska-Lincoln
University of North Texas
University of Washington Bothell
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Wayne State University
Western Kentucky University
ADS: 51
CA: 46
DI: 59
DUO: 30
EXT: 37
IMP: 62
INF: 56
PER: 53
POE: 43
POI: 41
PRO: 73
Total: 551
Judges: 104
2022 Tournament Details
Teams Participating: 37
Arizona State University
Augsburg University
Ball State University
Bellevue College - Bellevue DECA
Belmont University
Cameron University
Concordia University, Nebraska
CSU Dominguez Hills
Doane University
Dordt University
Elgin Community College
EPCC Forensics
Florida Atlantic University
Illinois State University
Minnesota State University Moorhead
Modesto Junior College
Muskingum University
North Central College
Park University
San Antonio College
San Jose State University
Seton Hall University
Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville
Southwest Minnesota State University
St. Cloud State University
Truman State University
Univ. of Florida
University of Alabama
University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Minnesota
University of Nebraska Omaha
University of North Texas
University of Utah
University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Western Kentucky University
ADS: 53
CA: 47
DI: 57
DUO: 31
EXT: 50
IMP: 62
INF: 72
PER: 55
POE: 41
POI: 42
PRO: 71
Total: 581
Judges: 128
Events Going to Quarterfinals:
Events Going to Sems:
ASC Core Values
Accessibility All students, regardless of physical, mental, or other ability, deserve the chance to compete in national championships. The tournament was designed to be as accessible as possible for as many people as possible.
Sustainability Forensic competitions historically have been sites where sustainability is lauded, but practices are not always engaged in the tournament spaces. From plastic in awards to the carbon footprint associated with the travel to tournaments, forensic tournaments do not always exist in ways that promote sustainability. This tournament aims to embrace sustainability practices.
Special thanks to former speech competitor Doria Drost for designing the ASC logo