Student-Run Team
Co-Hosting Fundraiser

Student-run teams face different challenges than teams with coaches and staff. One major issue can be finding and maintaining funding. In an effort to support these students, OATS is offering a chance to co-host tournaments as a $500 fundraiser for student-run teams


Co-hosting responsibilities include:

-Complete application to co-host (available below)

-Attempt to recruit 5 administrators/professors from the school to judge (they will receive a training from OATS staff for how to judge/the benefit of participating in forensics)

-Send team information to be featured in communication and messaging to the OATS community to increase student networking abilities within the community 

Outspoken Culture responsibilities include:

-Timely communication

-Training administrators/encouraging funding and support for the student-run team

-Post information in various places to lift up the profile of student competitors

-Promptly provide payment/donation to the student-run time after completing the requirements listed above


Often, student-run teams may not have substantial support from their institutions, so the hope is by recruiting administrators/professors from the institution, the student-run teams will have more advocates for their success.


OATS tournaments continue to strive for increasing accessibility to forensic activity, and we hope with the opportunity to fundraise through co-hosting, student-run teams will find new opportunities to connect with the community and participate in the activity.


For more information, to submit your application, or connect OATS with a student-run team who may benefit from this fundraiser, please email ( or text/call (706-844-2773) tournament director Julie Walker.




Application to Co-Host OATS Tournament 

University Name:

Student Contact Name:

Student Preferred Email:

Student Preferred Phone Number:

On-Campus Contact (Advisor, Club Supervisor, etc):

Campus Contact Preferred Email:

Campus Contact Preferred Phone Number:


What is the current funding provided by your institution?:

What is the current funding provided by individual donors?:

Describe the types of costs students are currently covering for their participation in speech competitions (e.g., hotel rooms, personal vehicle usage, tournament entry fees):


How does your team intend to spend the $500 co-hosting fundraiser? (e.g., hotel rooms for nationals, van rental for X tournament, tournament fees for X tournament):


List of Information from Requested from Student-Run Team

-Team photo (if available)

-Photos of students performing

-Recent accomplishments

-Why students are passionate about speech

-Team captain/leader/president