National Novice Team
Starting in 2025, the Asynchronous Speech Championship wants to celebrate the top novice competitors from across the country through something we’re calling the National Novice Team.
Intended to highlight the newer team members whose accomplishments might not yet manifest in competitive success, this team shines light on the novice members who show passion for speech and make up the heart of the team.
For those interested in applying, novice competitors should complete the simple application through the link provided by March 1st, 2025. These applications will undergo an initial screening process. Most significant from this process for you is no more than two members of any given team will be considered in the final screening process, though we encourage all interested first year competitors to apply. Up to 20 novice competitors will earn a spot on the National Novice Team.
March 12, tournament staff will alert coaches or other team contacts about the novice competitors who will move to the next screening level. At that time, coaches or other team contacts will be invited to submit a recommendation for the student about their impact on team culture.
Final top novice team determination will be based on the following criteria:
Primary Criteria
Commitment to learning
Excitement about college speech
Contribution to team impact
Secondary Criteria
Number of entries at ASC
Genres entered at ASC
Final Individual Sweepstakes placement relative to other novice competitors
Encourage your novice competitors to apply for the National Novice Team today!
Individual Application Link:
Coach or Team Contact Link:
With questions, reach out to tournament director Julie Walker ( or 706-844-2773).